RSIC-1™ Resilient Sound Isolation Clips provide two unique approaches to sound privacy that will prevent sound from transmitting through your walls or floor/ceiling assemblies in condo's, multi family construction and high-rise buildings. Experience with the RSIC-1™ Clips has recorded remarkable improvements of up to an additional 20 STC points on walls. The RSIC-1™ system builds the "room within a room" without having to use additional rows of studs and sheetrock, which take up valuable space. The clips are cost effective, durable and UL Classified in over 100 fire resistive design assemblies. The RSIC-1™ is UL classified for use in one and two hour fire resistive design assemblies.
Featured Project:

Vancouver, WA This mixed-use project located in the heart of downtown Vancouver provides a literal transition between the City's transit mall and Esther Short Park, as well as a figurative transition between the town's traditional lifestyle and 21st-Century urban activity. more |